Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Often, losing weight is all about what is in your head. Hypnotherapy, through "Fatnosis" is the treatment that can finally get you in the position to lose weight and live your best life. Join us in Bangkok or in a Zoom session anywhere in the world to remove the habits that are stopping you from losing weight.
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FatNosis focuses on helping you in 3 important, key areas.

1. Mental Programming

You receive customized mind programming sessions with Virtual Gastric Band (VGB) designed to help you take back control over food. The re-programming sessions help you to reduce portion sizes, eat more healthily and feel mentally driven to lose the unwanted weight.

The re-programming is motivational and strong in tone and the specific content is always agreed with you to ensure it is aligned to the your needs. The re-programming also helps you to boost your confidence and eliminate emotional eating, increasing your self esteem.

Balancing with motivational re-programming suggestions that will make you look good, feel fabulous and delight in becoming slim, fit and firm again!

2. Motivational Interventions

In addition to Mindset Programming, FATnosis uses a wide range of Motivational interventions to reduce emotional eating. The tone of the motivation is direct and straight talking as well as massively supportive your emotion.

FATnosis uses a ‘carrot’ and ‘stick’ set of motivational tools and requires you to lose weight each week otherwise you may be taken off the programme.

FATnosis is result-driven but also motivational and aspirational so that you could have better understanding of proper knowledge of health and wellness.

3. The 80-20 Meal Planning System

Unlike rigid dieting, FATnosis encourages you to still eat a bit of ‘junk food’. However, the re-programming you receive will slowly help you to cut back the unhealthy and junk food naturally and automatically.

We will work with tyou to develop a system so that you eat 80% healthily and 20% a bit of what they fancy, again using a range of FATnosis creative portion control techniques. It is surprising just how many people have been conditioned to think that losing weight requires a ‘diet’.

FATnosis is not a ‘diet’ with a lot of of Do and Don’t approach, but a common sense eating with education and knowledge for you.

Our mission: a sustainable, healthy and wellness lifestyle. Fatfree, Firm & Fit.

Effective weight loss with "Fatnosis" - it's Hypnotherapy that stops your cravings.
