Always ending up Relapsing? You should use NRTs

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Have you ever tried to quit smoking and ended up relapsing a few days or weeks later? Dont worry, many people relapse at some point. In fact, out of 55% of people that attempted to quit smoking in the United States back in 2018, only about 8% actually succeeded so you’re definitely not alone. Don’t be put off trying to quit again, it's completely normal to fail. However, if you have already relapsed in the past, you should consider trying out nicotine replacement therapy.

Always ending up Relapsing? You should use NRTs

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What is Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Quitting smoking can be done by using nicotine replacement therapy. These therapies are available in the form of gum, patches, inhalers, and lozenges. Therapy starts with a period of adjustment where your body gets used to the lower levels of nicotine. They work by replacing the nicotine in cigarettes to help you stop smoking. The purpose of replacement therapy is to provide smokers with enough nicotine so that they don't experience withdrawal symptoms while they are trying to quit. It also helps them reduce their overall cigarette consumption which will eventually lead to complete abstinence from smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy can help smokers who want to quit smoking while giving them enough time to adjust their habits and prepare for life without cigarettes.

Studies conducted on smokers have shown that ALL forms of nicotine replacement therapies increase the chances of quitting smoking by 50-60%, which greatly reduces your chance to relapse. The quality of evidence presented is also high and it is a priven method for smokers to quit, especially those who have been smoking for a long time and have extreme withdrawal symptoms.

Types of NRT

There are a variety of nicotine replacement therapy available for a variety of nicotine needs. Some of the options that can help smokers quit include:


Extracts work by delivering nicotine directly to the bloodstream. It is a less-smoked form of nicotine that allows users to get the nicotine they need without having to smoke. Some of the available brands include NJOY, Nicorette, and various other cigarette brands.

Brands of Lozenges

Brands of lozenges work to deliver nicotine in the same way as patches. However, the lozenges contain menthol which will give a cooling effect.


Alcohol has become a popular alternative to cigarettes since its introduction to the market in the 1970s. People have used alcohol to get a buzz without feeling the withdrawal symptoms, however, this is not recommended as it may trigger smoking due to previous habits.

Withdrawal Effects of Smoking

Nicotine withdrawal can be a difficult period that smokers experience. This process happens during the first week after quitting smoking. The symptoms that your body experiences when you quit smoking include:

- Troubled sleep

- Gasping for air

- More serious psychological problems like depression and anxiety

How NRT reduces Withdrawal Effects

Most smokers associate smoking with stress. Smokeless cigarettes have no tobacco and so there is no risk of causing stress or anxiety as a result of tobacco use. Most people feel stress when they want to cut down on their smoking or when they have difficulty quitiing. Nicotine replacement therapy helps you deal with these symptoms by providing you with a consistent level of nicotine.

Nicotine replacement therapy is usually recommended to smokers who want to quit for a brief period of time. You have to give your body enough time to adjust to lower nicotine levels. This can be done by using nicotine replacement therapy for a longer period of time. You will then have the complete advantage of knowing that you don't have to quit smoking all at once. The most successful smoking cessation rates are those who take up nicotine replacement therapy on a regular basis without quitting.

It is extremely difficult not just mentally, but also physically to quit smoking, especially for those who have been smoking for a long period of time, simply quitting without any therapy does not work, which is why only 8% of people actually succeed. Nicotine replacement therapies help you transition from smoking to qutting while minimizing withdrawal symptoms. If you need professional help or someone to give tips and advice on different ways for you to stop smoking then do not hesitate to contact Dr. Narindr at one of the links below.

Always ending up Relapsing? You should use NRTs

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